Friday, 22 March 2013

How lucky were we......

On Tuesday we were treated to a wonderful sight!!!

Someone noticed movement with one of the cocoons so we all quickly gathered round to watch a Monarch emerge from its cocoon.

There was silence for a while and then lots of questions.......

Luke B was truly amazed!

This smile says it all!

"But how does something so big come out of something so small?"

"Why are the wings so small when it comes out and then they get big?"

"Wow this is incredible!!"

"Will it hurt?"

"It tickles!"

The Monarch sat on our hands before we put it outside to start its life cycle all over again.

"Can I take it home?"

Bye has been wonderful watching you.

Three down and one to has been fantastic having these special creatures in our class.

Enjoy your weekend everyone...only one more week and it is Easter!!!!
The term is whizzing by very quickly.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Being creative.....

The Afternoon Programme has seven budding artists!!!





                                                                                           Luke U
Rachel                               Aieshar

We have been busy this week creating Monarch Butterflies.

                                                                                               Luke B

It took two days to create these wonderful butterflies.
We used wooden pegs,paper doilies,pipe cleaners,dye and paint.
How clever are we !!!!!!!!

On Wednesday we all watched youtube.......we were amazed at what we saw.....a Monarch emerging from a cocoon.Wow !!!!!! Why don't you all go and have a look. You will be amazed as well!

Watching Monarchs emerge from their cocoon.

Have a safe weekend.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Week 6!

Thank you letters were on the agenda to Gayle's mum,thanking her for letting us go to her house.
We all wrote letters and Gayle and Rachel were so proud of what we said in our letters to Nanna.

After writing the letters we put them in an envelope and walked to the post box and posted it.

Gayle's mum rang her and said a big thank you for the wonderful letters.

On Thursday we made a dip and had raw courgettes,carrots and celery with it. After we had eaten the veggies we had potato chips. It was very scrummy!

Some of us might end up working as chefs because we decorated the plate beautifully!!

  Go have the makings of a chef!! Fantastic presentation!!!
 We all had a turn at mixing the reduced cream and onion soup together.

 Look at this...the work of experts!!!!
Good on you Luke for trying everything.

All gone!! Well done team!!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Forgot to say.....

We had an exciting experience on Wednesday....a monarch came to visit our swan plant and we were there to see it!!!!! She has laid an egg so we will be watching it change into a caterpillar.

Jo was very kind and gave us four Monarch caterpillars from her on our plant at last!!
It is going to be a very exciting time watching all the changes.
If you are in at school come and have a look.

Thanks for visiting us Mrs Monarch!!!!

Casey has grown....!!!!

Casey the caterpillar is on the move...this week he has had a huge growth spurt!
We will be getting the scissors out next week to give him a hair cut!!

Yesterday we all went out in the car to see eight cocoons at Gayle's mums house.

What a strange place to make a cocoon!!

They were hiding all over the place so she had put little red ribbons near them so that we could find them!

It was like going on a treasure hunt!!!

Have a relaxing weekend everyone.