Friday, 28 June 2013

Lets Make Music continues.....

What a busy week...what with making toasted sandwiches, cleaning out chinchillas,painting the sticks for our larger phones, baking, being in a band and making another musical instrument.
Phew it has been all go!!!

Paul arrived on Wednesday with his tool bag and some nails to help us complete our larger phones. Before he arrived we had to get the hammer and flatten the bottle tops so that we were ready for him.
We all had a turn with him as he helped us measure out where the bottle tops needed to go. He was very impressed at how we all knew our numbers .
Then came a highlight... we all had a turn with the drill to make the holes for the nails. That was awesome !!
Then we had to get the tops ready...they had to go a special way and then we hammered them into our sticks.
It was a VERY busy afternoon and we didn't get them finished but we will complete them next week.
Our parents are going to love it when we take home all these wonderful instruments that we have made!!

First we had to paint our sticks .

 'Now what size drill will we need?"

 Great measuring Jeremy!
I know where those numbers are!!

"This is so cool"

"I am ready with the hammer Paul"
"Which one will we use?"

Waiting for a turn on the drill!!

Concentration plus!!
Helping hand!

Now for the hammering !
Thanks for coming Paul. We loved working with you. We will get you back to come and help us again!!!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Cleaning day!!!!!

Tuesday is now the official cleaning day for Mr Jumpy and on Tuesday we all put on disposable gloves and got busy!!!
We were pleased to have the gloves on as there was quite a bit of cleaning to do.
Team work!

Following instructions ....

Well done Luke and Luke...a sweet smelling tray to go back into their  house

Thanks Katelyn for all your help with the cleaning and feeding

That's it Rachel...they love that tunnel to hide in!

Now for the big clean up!!!!
What an incredible team we have...they obviously help out at home.




Now for the bathing.....
Chinchillas do NOT like water so they have a special mixture to bath in....volcanic sand. They  enjoy rolling in it to get themselves clean.

They loved rolling around in the sand...they were in and out of the boxes. It looked like that they were having fun having a bath.

It was a big job cleaning them out but when you have a pet it is important to learn how to care for them .
We hope that you all have a safe and warm weekend....and have fun in the snow!!!!!!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Welcome to our new additions.....

Emily and Mr Jump's home

Mr Jumpy

Adoring caregivers......

Our numbers have grown!!! 
Thanks to Michelle we are now the proud owners of two cute chinchillas.
We are going to learn how to care for it has been a busy week learning all about our two new friends. 
A naming competition was held and the results are.....Emily for the girl and Mr Jumpy for the boy.

Getting to know you!!

We are learning to be very gentle with Emily and Mr Jumpy......well done Rachel!
Yesterday we made a very delicious chocolate cake had an unusual  ingredient ...white vinegar which smelt yuk...thank goodness you couldn't taste it in the cake.  The recipe was quick and easy and can be enjoyed by all those who are dairy intolerant.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

Friday, 7 June 2013

Gosh it is week 5!!

Another birthday to celebrate this week!

Happy Birthday Katelyn...we hope that you had a wonderful day celebrating.

Luke came up with the idea of using the staple gun to attach the leather to the top of our drums so we did that and now......our drums are complete and ready to make music!!

It was hard work using the staple gun

Good try George

Now to make some music!!!!
The big news of the week is that we had a visit from one very friendly policeman.

A very big 'thank you' to Dave who came to talk to us ...George was so proud having his Dad at the Afternoon Programme!!
We had all our questions ready for Dave to answer.

Great listening Luke and Aieshar.

This is my Dad!!!!

Dave had lots of interesting things to show us.

Mmmm I know what these are for!

Dave in action!!!

We all sat in the police car and had a turn at turning the lights and siren was very noisy!!
"Dave is a policeman. He arrests people that make bad choices."     Luke B

"He had a torch and handcuffs"    Aieshar

"I thought that his torch was cool"    George

"The torch had two for invisible ink and the other just ordinary."   Luke B

"I loved turning the siren on."   Katelyn

We learnt that policemen are very helpful and kind. They go and help out at car crashes and help lost children find their parents.
Luke was very keen to find out if the prisoners get fed when they are take to the cells at the Police Station!!!!