Friday, 29 August 2014

Off to the Museum....

As you know we having been learning about the childhood days of our grandparents so it was time to head off to the Canterbury Museum to take a stroll down an old Canterbury street.

Boy it was VERY old...we don't have any streets like that now!

The street was filled with shops like they were back in our grandparents and great grandparents day.
We peered into the shop windows and talked about how different life is now is not like going into the shops that we go into today.

Aaron found a fire...

Aieshar was a wee bit nervous about the mannequins !

A  mannequin keeping an eye on us!

The boot maker had been very busy making a huge selection of boots.
His apron was made from the skin of an animal.
He made all the shoes by machinery for him as they didn't have electricity.

A beautiful christening gown made by hand.

Luke B knew that this was a Grandfather clock

Now for a turn on the penny farthing bike...some of us had trouble reaching the pedals

Our Grandparents have been sending us recipes from their childhood and this week we made peanut brownies . The recipe came from an old  Edmonds Cook is still in the modern version!
The biscuits were really yummy...but there were a few of us that didn't like them!!

Thanks Luke for bringing the peanut brownie will have to tell Barbie that we made them!

Friday, 22 August 2014

The Olden Days.....

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from someone who could tell us all about the 'olden' days.
It was Gayle's mum. She is 87 years old and had so much information to tell us about the past and her childhood.

Last week we thought about all the questions that we would like to ask her and we had them ready for the interview!

We found out that she didn't ever have a birthday party, there weren't many cars about as they were expensive, her teacher would come and hit her over the hand while she was working, you had to line up like soldiers every morning before class and be VERY quiet, no take aways, hardly ever had any lollies as they were expensive, lots of chores to do at home ..her mother was very fussy about the house being tidy, no school uniform, no TV, movies were black and colour and she only got to go to them as a real treat, no radio.
She had to drink milk every day at school...she hated it because it was always warm!!
We all felt very sad when she told us about waving goodbye to her Dad as he went off to war and not ever seeing him again.
She also had a teddy of Gayle's and some dolls. They looked very different to the dolls and teddies that we have.

The next day we wrote a thank you letter to Noel and then all had a think about whether we would  like to live in the time that Noel was growing up or now and why.

Most of us chose now...we love our TV and computer games!!!
Luke B said he would like to live in a bit of both...he explained that when Noel was growing up there weren't many cars about which was great as there would be very little pollution where now there is heaps of pollution .
Great thinking Luke...what a super star you are!

Noel showing us where she was born...

Listening to a question.....

A fur scarf that belonged to Noel's mother ....boy that must be VERY old!

Gayle's teddy...minus an eye.....

Jeremy with one of Gayle's dolls.....

Photo time.....

Gayle and her Mum....

Aaron wanted to take home the lovely warm scarf!!

Gayle's dolls....Aieshar REALLY wanted to take one home!!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

It was a real winters day yesterday...the wind was biting and we were all very cold. We were sure that it was going to snow!

Gayle's Mum was meant to come and talk to us about her days as a child but she had a fall and couldn't come. She is now coming to see us next week.
So what were we going to do since she couldn't come?

Plan B was put into action and look what we created.
First we had to cut out pieces of a snowman......

Then we had to glue the cut out pieces onto a piece of black paper...

A touch of colour for his hat......

Glue cotton balls on the body...

Finally lux soap flakes to make it snowing.

Here is the final product.

Look at our wonderful cutting skills!

We were all very proud of our  snowmen.

On Monday we all did something very special.

One of our teachers was very sad as her Mum had just died, so we walked to her house to take flowers to her from all the other teachers.

Before we went we made her a card .

We hope that we put a smile on her face.

Keep warm everyone!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Yay for sunny days....

11 years old!
What a stunning day we had on Thursday...Spring is on its way!!!

We have celebrated two birthdays this week....Rachel and Aieshar

9 years old!!

 We have sent off letters to our Grandparents asking them for a recipe from their childhood and for some information about what life was like for them when they were our age.

We are really looking forward to hearing back from them.

For baking this week we made Anzac biscuits as they have been around for a long long time.

We sat and ate them while we listened to the story about the history of Anzac biscuits.

Here are some of the things that we learnt....

            * The original biscuit was not sweet 

            *It was put in the soldiers ration pack as a substitute for 

              for bread as it was more like a savoury biscuit

            *It was called Soldiers biscuits or Rolled Oat biscuits   


Before they went onto the oven...

Out of the oven and ready to eat!

Eating Anzac biscuits and listening to the back story of them

Fingers crossed for a warm weekend!!