Friday, 27 March 2015

It's hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of the term!

Hi from us all…it is week 8…only one more week and it is the holidays!

The term has gone by very quickly.

On Wednesday we all participated in the Waimairi Cross Country. It was held at St James Park on a beautiful still day.

Some of us aren't all that keen on running but we all took part and we all finished the course without stopping.    Gayle and Rachel were very proud of us achieving that milestone.

Guess what….   we have also been working extremely hard on our mihi.

A few weeks ago we wrote it out and have been practising it ever since.

When we did it yesterday we blew Rachel and Gayle away as we are just about experts at it now.

We have learnt that if you practise, practise, practise you get the rewards, as you get so much better at what you are practising at.

Ethan…we were so proud of you

Luke just about knows his without looking!

Amazing Aaron….you have worked so hard

Just about at the real expert stage…..

Whoo Aieshar fantastic work !

Keep up the great work Gabby

We will keep on 'trying' with our mihi's and then we might read them to Mrs Coleman or Mr Anderson.

Gayle would love us to read them at Monday Meet Up..…mmm we will just have to wait and see!!!!

Enjoy your weekend everyone .

Friday, 13 March 2015

Week 6

What a busy week we have had!

You should see the progress we have made with our rakau sticks...our motto is 'keep trying' and we are.

On Tuesday we celebrated Aaron's birthday..he is now 7!!

Happy Birthday Aaron !

Last term you all helped us collect heaps and heaps of bottle tops.

We asked Mrs Jenkins to draw a pukeko for us as she is an expert when it comes to drawing. Thank you Mrs Jenkins!

 We had the drawing and the bottle tops so it was time to begin....we were very excited as we have been waiting a while to start our project.

                                        Luke researched the colours that we would need for our pukeko

                                    Then it was time to sort out the colours that we needed

                                                            Time to start glueing.....

                     Guess what,,,,,we ran out of light blue tops. Do you have any at home that we could have please?    We would be very happy if you have!! Thank you in advance.

Enjoy your weekend everyone

Friday, 6 March 2015

It's raining!!! is raining! We had almost forgotten what  rain was!!!

Welcome to week 5. What a week it has been!

On Thursday a very old friend came to visit us. It was Hilary who used to teach in the Afternoon Programme. It was so good to see her.

We got her to help us with our learning with rakau sticks. We had to really concentrate hard to get the first action. When we get to learn all the actions we will put a video on the blog for you.

Gabby and Hilary 

Aaron and Hilary

Well done you two!
On Wednesday we all went to the Museum  look at what we have been learning about...our Maori culture and making connections with it.

There was so much to look at and learn about. The displays were fantastic and they told great stories of the past.

Talking about what we thought this display was all about and how different things are today

Photo shoot! should have seen the Moa in this display was huge!

We all thought that this greenstone was amazingly smooth.

You must come to the Museum to look at the incredible pieces of greenstone.

Mmm...which one would I like?

Sharing what we had seen and learnt.

Thanks Hilary for coming and spending two days with us. It was great to see you!

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

If you haven't been to the Museum to see the amazing Maori display, why not go this weekend for a visit