What a wet and miserable day we have today!! Let's hope that it clears up for the weekend.
On Thursday it was Matariki….do you know what that is?
It is the time when Maori celebrate their New Year.
We had a story about it and found out about all the celebrations that happen at this time.
People get together with their whanau and eat delicious kai.
We iced and decorated star biscuits …the connection….The stars that appear at Matariki.
There was a knock at the door yesterday and in rushed a four legged friend…..Diesel!
Diesel belongs to Aieshar and he came to visit us. Aieshar talks about him heaps and wanted him to come and see us.
Four years ago we went to Aieshars house when Diesel was a puppy . He has grown heaps since then.
You should have seen him…he was so excited to see us all.
We had a question time with Aieshar about Diesel.
Aieshar's Dad and Diesel |
Look at Diesels enormous tongue!
It was time to take our pot-pourri experiment out from the books where it has been for the last four weeks.
As scientists we were a bit disappointed at the result…. some of the petals had gone mouldy and we had to throw them out. We wondered why that had happened but we couldn't explain it as they were in a very warm part of the room….right by a heater. Mmm … we did wonder if some of the petals were damp when we put them in the books.
One result we were happy with was that they had a beautiful perfume .
We completed our 'Winter' art this week…..they are very cool. Come and have a look if you have time.
We also came up with some fantastic 'Winter' words to put with our art.
Keep warm everyone!