What a term we have had as scientists. We have done so much thinking and wondering about our experiments….sometimes we just couldn't work out why…it almost seemed like it was magic!!!
We had a chat about our favourites and the corny goo and volcano came out on top!
Unfortunately we didn't get to complete all of them so next term we will do the final one…a lava lamp.
This week we made ginger beer and we hope that it will be all fizzy by the time we get back to school.
Gayle and Rachel have got their fingers crossed that to won't explode while we are away!!!!!
First we had to grate the fresh ginger….it had an awesome smell….. |
Next the sugar... |
Then to dissolve the sugar... |
You have to be very careful when doing this as the element is hot….. |
Now to do the squeezing of the lemons….. |
It was hard work! |
Now to drain the mixture... |
Adding the water…
Now to fill the bottles ... |
Finally…we have completed our Maori colour blocks…..aren't they cool? |
We think that we have made a superb job of them. …it is a great way for us to remember our colours.
Well that is it from us for the term.
We hope that you all have a fabulous holiday…for those travelling take care and for those staying at home enjoy your down time.
Lets hope that the weather is kind to us.
We also hope that everyone who has been ill these last few weeks gets better quickly so that they can enjoy the holidays…..especially Aieshar, Luke B and Aaron.
See you all next term!!!!!