Thursday, 30 March 2017

Week 9

Kia Ora everyone,

This week for Kapa Haka we sang some waiatas, practised our rakau sticks and made some Maori designs.

Choosing a design ...

Getting down to business...

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How is your design going?
 On Wednesday we had a whole session of Kaitoro time!!! We were all so excited about this!!!

After finishing our plan, we chose three activities to do then we were able to go to our favourite...Duplo and dressing up.

Jasiah made delicious wraps....they had chicken and lettuce in them

Time for some treatment from a nurse!!!!

Our favourite...
Piklets with chocolate chips is what Gabby chose for baking this week.

Measuring the flour....

Thanks for coming to visit Lauren...

Measuring the milk..

The mixture was a bit runny so we added more flour  to thicken it up

Now for the cooking...


We all hope that you have a wonderful weekend...relaxing in the sun before the rain comes and visits us again.

Friday, 24 March 2017

The weeks are whizzing by.....

Kia Ora,

We are all enjoying having our own Kapa Haka.

Desharne has been teaching us some haka moves from the school he went to before coming to Waimairi.
He has also been leading us with the moves for the rakau sticks.

After  we had finished our session on Tuesday we sat down to try our hand at some weaving with paper strips.

Some of us found it quite difficult but we kept on trying and we were all thrilled with what we achieved.

The chapter book that we have for this term is called Wonder.      Have you read it?     If you haven't we can recommend it.
 We are really enjoying it but there are some sad parts in it.

Thursday was treat day!!!

Robert....who is a chef, came to show us how to make sushi!!  We all chose what fillings we would like in the sushi roll and he made it for us.

It was so delicious.....we wish you could have been there and we would have shared some with you!!!!

Fanning the rice to cool it down....

Time to roll the sushi....


There was a little bit of rice left over so Robert made rice balls for us.

Thanks for coming in Robert... we really enjoyed listening and watching you make the sushi....and we really LOVED eating it !!

Thursday, 16 March 2017

The sun is back!!!!

It was SO good to get outside to play after all the rain that we have had!!

We have been doing all this learning about being a responsible citizen and this week it was time to learn about being a responsible citizen in our community.

Community Constable Richard came to visit us and told us how we can all be responsible citizens by doing the 'right' thing.

Before he started his talk he showed us all the equipment that he wears on his uniform. Boy they have to carry heaps of things....most of which is to keep us ...and him safe.

Some of us were very surprised to learn that it is illegal to ride bikes on the footpath!!!

Aieshar said 'thank you 'on behalf of us all and gave Constable Richard some zucchinis that we had grown in our garden at school.

Time for a group photo.

Some sad and happy news.

At the beginning of the week one of our cocoons hatched...we were there to watch it happen!!!
It was so exciting!!!

Sadly when we came to school the next day the butterfly had died. Its wings hadn't formed properly. the next cocoon burst open and a stunning perfect butterfly appeared.
We let it dry its wings inside then took it outside to let it fly away and be with all the other monarchs.

                                   We celebrated Aaron's birthday this week.

Happy Birthday Aaron!!

                     It was Aieshar's turn to choose what we baked this week.

                                              She chose chocolate cake.

We hope you al have a safe and happy weekend....remember everyone out there........ to be a responsible citizen.