Christmas greetings to you all.
We have arrived at the last week of school for the year.
It has been a busy couple of weeks.
Ryan's mum Simone came in to help us make Christmas decorations.
The final product!
Both Simone and Gayle were very impressed at how easily we could put our decoration together.
End of term treat!
Gayle and Paul took us to the park for pizza and an ice-cream.
Some of us took our scooters and had fun at the scooter park after lunch.
We had such a cool time that we didn't want to go back to school!!!
Time to say goodbye....
Four of us are leaving Waimairi School.
Gabby, Aieshar and Desharne are all off to Intermediate. They are all excited about the new schools that they are going to.
Gayle is retiring , so we had a farewell afternoon tea for her.
It was a sad time and there were heaps of tears....we are going to miss all being part of this amazing team.
Merry Christmas everyone.
We hope that you have a safe, happy and fun filled holiday time.
Thank to all of you that have followed our journey on this blog.