Friday, 22 November 2013

Week 6

Apologies for no blog last wasn't that there wasn't anything to write about...Gayle forgot as she does the blog on a Friday and it was Show Day!.
Speaking of Show Day, we had a fabulous time at the show looking at all the different exhibitions,climbing on the tractors, watching the horses, seeing chickens hatching out of their  shells, patting rabbits,trying not to walk in animal poo...that was hard at times!!!
We loved being able to touch all the lambs...they were so cute! The calf tried to eat George's yellow vest!!!!

After searching out all the animals we went and had our lunch and listened to the New Zealand Army Band....they were so awesome . We all got  up and danced to the was such fun!!
By the time that we got back to the bus we were all very tired.

This week we are back on track with our healthy eating. On Thursday we made fruit kebabs. We have to be honest and tell you that we did put marshmallows on the kebab as well....they were delicious.

Have a wonderful looks like that it is going to be a wet one!

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