Friday, 11 December 2015

Giving Christmas joy......

On Monday we all went to Wesley Care Rest Home to entertain the residents there.

We felt a little nervous when we saw how many people were in the room!!!
But everyone was so friendly and we soon forgot about those butterflies in our stomachs!!

We started with an old favourite...Pukeko Stomp and then sang  Christmas songs that we had been practising.

The first Christmas song was I'm A Little Star.      We got Mrs Jenkins mother and Luke B's mum up to take  part.   They had to hold a decoration up while we sang about the decoration then danced around them.

Luke's mum being a star!
When we sang  We All Clap Hands Together the residents all joined in. It was wonderful seeing the smiles on their faces

During the song Christmas Is A Season Of Love we went and shook peoples hands and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Mrs Jenkins gorgeous mum....she smiled all through our performance.

Aaron took a shine to this gentleman..

Mrs Jenkins mum Barbara and Luke U

Having a chat....

After we had finished we were all given a gorgeous Christmas card that the residents had made for us.

When we came out of the building we sat on the grass and talked about how we felt about our performance.

This is what we said....
"I thought it was a nice thing to do to go and see the old people"......Luke B
"I enjoyed saying Merry Christmas to the old people".....Luke U
"I liked singing to the old people"....Aieshar
"I liked seeing Mrs Jenkins mum and when she held the candle"....Gabby
"I liked getting dressed up in the pukeko costume and performing Pukeko Stomp to the elderly people"....Ryan
"It was good to shake their hands and wishing them a Merry Christmas"....Aieshar
"We had a good time singing at the Rest Home"....Ethan

We all felt very proud of ourselves. Yes we were a bit nervous to start with but once we started singing we were all fine.

Rachel, Gayle and Paul were all blown away by how amazing we were. They thought we were super stars!

And because we were super stars and had finished earlier than expected we went to the Elephant Park and had a quick play and an ice block!! Yay!!!  A fabulous way to end a fabulous afternoon.

Making the old people smile made us realise that you don't have to give gifts to make someone happy.
We all felt so good about going somewhere to make people smile.

One week to go and school will be over for 2015!!

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