Kia Ora everyone.
Christmas is on it's way so we decided we had better get organised and start making some gifts for our parents. Shhh....don't tell them!
It was decided to make Christmas wreaths so we all went for a walk down the walkway and collected little pine cones seeds and twigs to decorate them.
While we were out walking we could hear the very loud sound of chain saws. It wasn't hard to work out where the sound was coming from.
Up over the bridge we went to watch the men cutting down a very very tall tree.
They had to climb up the tree to start chopping it down. They were wearing a harness and hard hats.
We all thought that they were very brave.
When the tree finally fell it made a huge cracking sound and made the earth jump...a bit like a very mini earthquake.
To keep everyone safe the street was all blocked off to traffic. |
Watching.... |
The machine at the back of the truck munched up all the branches and out came wood chips!!!
Our Christmas wreaths....
We mixed salt and flour together then added water to make the dough. Then we kneaded the dough until it was smooth. On a piece of cardboard we made a circle for the dough to go around and then we decorated it with the cones and seeds that we had found.
When they were finished they went into the oven to cook on a very low temperature.
Next week we will spray them with gold paint.
Remember this is a secret so don't tell our parents!!!!!
Another healthy eating choice......smoothies.
Cheers! This group chose banana for their smoothie
Addison made a fabulous job of cutting up the strawberries
Thanks Meagan for getting the banana ready...
Cheers......the strawberry and banana mixed together was delicious!
If you are feeling peckish this weekend make a smoothie. They are good for you and are so delicious!
A confession......we did add ice cream to ours!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
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